I am currently using a MATCH formula to find the maximum value from a column and return the cell number. Here is the formula, which works good:

MATCH(MIN('Input Data'!L2:L1005),'Input Data'!L2:L1005,0)

I want this formula to be able to change with the columns because on a separate sheet, called "Bump" I enter in a data number (1,2,3,4 etc) in cell C17, which each number correlates to a different column number on the "Input Data" sheet.

As an example, if I enter the number 1 (in cell C17) on the "Bump" sheet I want the MATCH function to go look at the data for Data Set 1 on the "Input Data" sheet, which is column L and return the row number. If I enter the number 2 in the "Bump" sheet I want it to go find Data Set 2 on the "Input Data" sheet, which is column X etc etc.

Thanks in advance!