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Formula: Start new number where last number stops in a range

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    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Formula: Start new number where last number stops in a range

    Sorry to hear so, but ... it works. See attached file.
    The formula is in column B
    as I wrote - you gave no clue why
    2387-115 shall be followed by 2567-756
    From the data in the sheet it could be only noticed that there sholud be some change (values in row 2)

    So it works as I tried to describe: as new events are written into column A there comes such moment when the range previous range is exhausted, Operator writes manually first number RRR-XXX in Bn cell
    and when new name is entered in An+1 cell the cell Bn+1 shaows new ticket number RRR-XXX+1

    Try writing Ice-yachting in A17, 4578-327 will appear in B17. Then write write Wrestling in A18 and 4578-328 will appear.
    If we assume that it is already after current range, just write in B18 first ticket from new range, like 1234-432*
    Then when you write in A19 Short-track in B19 will appear 1234-433.

    That's it

    * If I were operator I would check the whole pile of new tickets and write in row 2 what ticket numbers are available in current range.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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