Hey there,
I've been pulling my hair out searching the forums and trying to adapt formulas to work within my spreadsheet for a rolling three month average. If you look at the attached spreadsheet, I need to do this for several columns and rows.
For example, in the attached spreadsheet, the rolling average worksheet needs to reference the particular agent on the data worksheet for the various criteria. The months on the data sheet go from oldest month at the top to current month at the bottom. I need to reference the three most current months. Sometimes the months will contain data, sometimes they won't. Each month a new row is inserted into the data worksheet and everything below that moves down a line. This snapshot is just for a few agents for the purposes of this post, but there are around 100 agents that appear on the data sheet in the original workbook. I think if I can get help with 1 agent and 1 column, I can implement the formula into the other cells where I need to do the same and simply edit the cell references.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
rolling average.xls