Hi all,

I'm trying to create a budget and I'd like to create a formula that will automatically categorize my transactions. I already have a working formula started, but I'll reach the maximum character allotment before including all of the categories. Here's a shortened example. The transportation category alone would need to reference 50+ cells from sheet1 instead of the two shown in the example.

Formula: copy to clipboard
=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(Sheet1!$B$2,C2)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH(Sheet1!$C$2,C2))),"Transportation",<repeat with next category and so on>)

While a lot of my transactions will be repetitive, I'll obviously shop at new places every year. Having a separate sheet of keywords will give me the flexibility to include these new businesses in the search without having to change the formula. I'll have placeholder keywords of randomly typed text that will never return a positive result when searching the transaction list. Then when I shop at a new place, I can substitute that text with the relevant text from the transaction description. Is there another way that I can go about this that will use less characters? I can probably fit about 70% of the current formula before I run out of characters.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
