Hi all,
This is SUCH a great forum. I spend a lot of time lurking & learning here, plus I've gotten excellent help a couple of times. I'm trying to return some values based on a date but going crazy trying to decide which function best suits it & how to nest the possible results correctly.
I would like cell B1 to look at the date entered in cell A1. If the date is under 30 days old I want B1 to show the result "Recruit". If the date is 30-119 days old I want it to return the result "Member". If it is 120-364 days the result would be "Under 1 Year". If it is 365-729 days old the result would be "1 Year". If it is 731-1094 days old the result would be "2 Years". If it is 1095-1459 days old the result would be "3 years". Same thing for years 4 & 5. Then anything over 5 years would return the result "Over 5 Years".
Any input is greatly appreciated! And thanks to all those I have gained knowledge from while lurking!