Employee Timecard AB.xlsx

I have hourly employees who work in a province that has certain OT regulations. The way the excel sheet worked is that you put in your hours under the cost center, and it should auto calculate overtime, total hours, etc.

Rules: Overtime must be paid after 8 hours worked in any given day, AND 44 hours total in a week.

For instance: an employee can work M-F, 8 hours a day except for Friday in which they work 10 hours. Total hours to be paid regular would be 40, and 2 hours of OT (10-8=2).

Alternatively, an employee can work the following:
M: 8h (8 reg)
T: 8h (8 reg)
W: 8h (8 reg)
Th: 8h (8 reg)
F: 10h (8 reg, 2 OT)
S: 8h (4 reg, 4 OT)
Su:8h (8 OT)

Now Ive inherited the above sheet, and seems to work but does not calculate anything on sunday

need some serious help fixing this - am a novice so definitely need direction please