I want a sheet that can be sorted and filtered and has no formulas to protect.

First of all I am using Google Drive Sheets which does not have a function to protect formulas(from what i know; i could be wrong)

I have five work sheets involved (four workbooks and four users)

Sheet Rawdata1 (workbook A) user 1
Sheet Rawdata2 (workbook B) user 2
Sheet Rawdata3 (workbook C) user 3
Sheet Rawdata123Merge (workbook D) user 4
Sheet RawdataFilterable (workbook D) user 4

Rawdata123Merge collects and merges Rawdata1 + Rawdata2 + Rawdata3 using this formula:
=QUERY({'Rawdata1'!A2:Q;’ Rawdata2’!A2:Q;’Rawdata3’!A2:Q},"Select * where Col1<>''")

RawdataFilterable is Querying the data from Rawdata123 using this dragged formula:

Here are my issues:
1. The data in Rawdata123 CAN NOT be sorted or filtered; the data is locked in place because of the QUERY.
2. RawdataFilterable CAN be filtered and sorted (which is important function ) but Google Sheet does not have a way to lock the cells to protect the formula inside.

do i need to create another sheet that can be filtered and sorted and has no formulas that need protection. i don't know how and what formula to use.
Thanks in advance !