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Index Match For Multiple Criteria

  1. #1
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    Index Match For Multiple Criteria

    I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of production. I need an index match formula in row B13:U13. This is the formula I tried using but it didnt work.
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    . I want to index sheet 2 and match the parts number in sheet 1 row 9 along with today's day in row 12 and pull the information from sheet 2 column K. Can someone help me with this? Basically to summarize what I want from this formula is to pull the "Plan Qty" for today's date from the production plan "Sheet 2" to row 13 in sheet one using the part numbers in row 9 and the date in row 13 as a reference took.
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  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Index Match For Multiple Criteria

    1st, you should avoid using merging if at all possible. Then, you need to standardize on your data, if you can.
    Sheet1 SW uses...
    sheet SW uses

    I added a helper column on sheet2(I used A) and copied this down...
    Then in sheet1, copythis across...
    =INDEX('9HP Production Sequence'!$K:$K,MATCH(--SUBSTITUTE(B9,".","")&'Hot Parts'!B12,INDEX('9HP Production Sequence'!$E:$E&'9HP Production Sequence'!$A:$A,0),0))

    Also, it seems redundant (and recourse-wasteful) to have TODAY() in row 12, you could just put it in once and then reference it.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Index Match For Multiple Criteria

    Hmm...I dont know why but it didnt work for me. The issue I have is the second sheet is actually a public sheet updated daily by our production department and I dont no have authoization to make any changes to it. I just copied it to my spreadsheet for less confusion while I try to figure out the proper formula to use. I have =today() copied across row 12 because I look at this sheet once a day and I need to reference the same day on the second sheet located in column C and then reference the part numbers in column E to the part number in row 9 on the first sheet. After those criteras have been met I need it to copy the qty in column K from sheet 2 to row 13 in sheet 1. For example: Today is the 19th, all information for the 19th in sheet two is located in Rows 394:403. Lets say I want to find the production qty for the part number located in B:9 on sheet 1. I would flip to the second sheet and find that part number in column E which is E:400. I look at the qty in column K and copy it to B13. The issue is the quantites constantly change through out the day so I though and index match formula would be perfect for this.

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