Hello everyone!
O, so I'm having a slight issue I can't fix.
I've been given a data sheet that has a drop down at the top. This drop down relates to the week, so when i select a new week, I get a whole new set of data on the same sheet.
What I want to do is take some of that data, and drop it in another sheet. I can do this very easily with:
=INDEX('TRADING REPORT - ALL'!$A$7:$F$134,MATCH('TR - ALL - Period and YTD'!$A4,'TRADING REPORT - ALL'!$A$7:$A$134,0),MATCH('TR - ALL - Period and YTD'!$J$3,'TRADING REPORT - ALL'!$A$7:$F$7,0),MATCH($N$1,'TRADING REPORT - ALL'!$C$3,0))
But everytime I change the week, the index data disappears, because MATCH($N$1,'TRADING REPORT - ALL'!$C$3,0) changes the number - is there a way I can get this to stay, but still change should the raw data change?