I am looking for a formula for cell D5 on the YTD tab. It should sum the values in row 16 on the Actual Revenue tab based on the following conditions:
1)Row 6 on the Actual Revenue tab matches the value in cell D1 on the YTD tab.
2) Row 5 on the Actual Revenue tab match Cells S1, or T1 or U1 on the YTD tab.
I am wondering if there is a formula that can sum these with out creating all the individual conditions. Here is my formula that doesn't work:
=SUMPRODUCT(('Actual Revenue'!E5:AN5=YTD!S1&YTD!T1&YTD!U1&YTD!V1)*('Actual Revenue'!E6:AN6=YTD!D1),'Actual Revenue'!E16:AN16)
Thanks for your help!