Hello Everyone! I am new here, but I have used many of the formulas people have posted for other projects I have made. I am trying to create a spreadsheet for the formulas for 'The Marketing Game!' simulation, and there is an area where I have to do a complex IFSTATEMENT. I am needing to take 2 numbers, find their change, indicate if it was an increase, decrease, or no change (without it saying that), and to have it do calculations based on the increase, decrease, or no change. I know, this is a ton, but it will speed my process up later on since I have to do this every week for 13 weeks.

Here's what I'm working with:

Special Commands (5-20): Before - 8 After - 11 Change - Went up 3 Increase: Take change# * $4 Decrease/No Change: $0 indicated
Error Protection (1-10): Before - 3 After - 5 Change - Went up 2 Increase: Take change# * $3 Decrease/No Change: $0 indicated
Ease of Learning (1-10): Before - 5 After - 4 Change - Went down 1 Increase: Take change# * $2 Decrease/No Change: $0 indicated

This is the formula I have to start with, but unsure where to go from here. I don't need it to say Increase, Decrease, or No Change, I just need it to do the calculation needed.

=IF(C12>B12,"Increase",IF(C12<B12,"Decrease","No Change"))

C12 = After # for Special Commands
B12 = Before # for Special Commands

For the Before and After columns, I'd also like to have something stating that if that number is not within the range I have in the parenthesis above, it will change its color or alert me so I'm aware it's out of range. What can I do for that? Thank you all in advanced!