Hi there, I have a strange problem right now. It currently have a cell which is given a value that may or may not have decimals. Now if the value has decimals it need to round it up to two decimals points although if it only has 1 value after the decimal point it shouldn't add an extra 0. Example:

Value with no decimals should show as:
Value with one decimals should show as:
Value with 2 decimals should show as:
And value with more then 2 decimals should show:
12.42 (original being 12.4222221)

I'm currently using the formate code: #,##0.## to achieve this, but when a value has no decimals it appears as 12. rather then 12

If anyone knows how I could detect if the number has a decimal that would be great.

I would also like to add, I tried to do something similar found in this article, (http://www.accountingweb.com/article...-part-1/222724). This is apparently new to 2007+ and wont work with 2003-, and the sheet has to be 2003- format because of compatibility with our clients (that's a debate I wouldn't want to enter)

Thanks you - James