Okay, I feel like there should be a function for this but nothing is coming to mind.
I have two worksheets. the first one is where the user puts all the data, they can insert columns and rows
the second worksheet looks at the first worksheet and formats everything so it looks nice.
i have a description column on the first spreadsheet with the first row for that column it says desc.
on the second sheet i use a match formula to find what column the description column is on.
i then want to display the cell value on sheet two using the match function for the column and then whatever row your on in sheet 2 for the row.
So i know that row i need because its the row im on. i know what column i need from the match formula.
I'm tring to stay away from volitile functions for speed issues. So offset is out.
Index is the next that comes to mind but since the user can insert rows and columns i cant just set any array.
I made a dynamic named range but it really slowed down file.
I feel like if you know the column and row there should be an formula for this without having to use address or indirect.
it could just not be possible.
any ideas???