My spreadsheet is calculating my weekly time sheet.
DATE START END HOURS OT MON 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 NO OT TUE 9:00 AM 5:30 PM 8:30 0:30 WED 8:30 AM 5:30 PM 9:00 1:00 THU 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 NO OT FRI 8:30 AM 5:30 PM 9:00 1:00 TOTAL: 42:30 2:30
Right now, I am manually entering my START and END times in h:mm format into columns B and C. Column D is calculated using a SUM formula. Cell D7 and E7 are in [h]:mm format calculated using the formulas =SUM(D1:D6) and =SUM(E1:E6) respectively. What I want to do is calculate column E, my overtime. Right Now I enter my overtime manually, but I want to use a formula to calculate any time I work over 8 hrs per day. I want to use an IF function where the logical_test is (D1>8:00), the value_if_true is (D1-8:00), and the value_if_false is "NO OT". I tried the following:
=IF(D1>8:00, [D1-8:00], ["NO OT"])
=IF([D1>8], [D1-8], ["NO OT"])
=IF([D1>TIME{8, 0, 0}], [=D1-TIME{8, 0, 0}], ["NOT OT"])
(and several more variations of these)
I'm having two problems: first off, Excel is not allowing me to use a formula in the value_if_true space. Problem two, Excel is not recognizing using time values in formulas (ie. D1-8:00 meaning D1 minus 8 hours.)
Is it possible to using time values in formulas, and is it possible for one of the values in an IF function to be an additional formula?