Hi All,

A friend suggested i use this site as he said your quite knowledgeable.

this may seem easy to you all but i need some help if you dont mind.

See attached File jobsheet.xlsx

The file is to keep track of on going jobs. what i need is for duration to populate if the job is still open.

The current open jobs counts if no is listed in the job order complete. In the duration column (J) i need it to look in cells I8 and if it says No then it needs to work out the duration of days between todays Date in D3 and the Sent date in F8. If I8 says Yes i need the Duration to say completed. Also if a job hasnt been inputted yet i need the default value of the duration cell to state N/A.

Can anyone assist? i have tried =IF(I8="No",(F8-D3)) but that doesnt seem to work.
