Is there a way to create a countif formula across multiple sheets? Hypothetically, I want to count each "B" in cell N6 for Sheet 1 through Sheet 50. Can this be written as a CountIF formula?
Thanks for any help!
Is there a way to create a countif formula across multiple sheets? Hypothetically, I want to count each "B" in cell N6 for Sheet 1 through Sheet 50. Can this be written as a CountIF formula?
Thanks for any help!
SUMIF does not accept 3D references but you can use SUMPRODUCT like described here.
SUMPRODUCT also works on closed wbks
I don't believe so... are you checking every sheet in the workbook, or are there only specific ones?
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There are 10 kinds of people in this world... those who understand binary, and those who don't.
As Pepe said there's a trick with indirect and sumproduct. If you can make a list on a hidden sheet that has all the sheet names you need to check then you could replicate this formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&hidden!A1:A3&"'!N6"), "B"))
hidden is my hidden sheet, and the list was in A1 to A3, you'd want to modify that to where your list would be, say A1:A50 or something...
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