I have one workbook with 6 tabs.
On tab 1 I have a last name, first name, some other columns with stuff in them and 5 empty columns.
On tabs 2 - 6, I have a last name col, first name col and numbered data in the 3rd col.
I want to fill the 5 empty cols in tab 1 with the numbered data from tabs 2 - 6 IF the first and last names match (capitalizations may be off) tab 1.
(The blank columns in tab1 correspond to weeks. Each tab, 2 - 6, corresponds to a weeks data. So tab2's numbered data would go into the first blank col, tab3's data would go into the second blank col...)
**Ideally, if a persons name is in any of the tabs 2 - 6 but not on tab 1, their first, last and numbered data would be added at the bottom of the data in tab1 (but that's a wishlist item)**

Tab 1
567782 Johnson ann ZMMy6 HiTG8 -blank- -blank- -blank- -blank- -blank-
236821 jones fred id9s78 PP9cg -blank- -blank- -blank- -blank- -blank-
399722 smith George Ci88s pl00La -blank- -blank- -blank- -blank- -blank-

Tab 2 (through 6 are the same with different data)
anderson cheryl 15
Jones Fred 6
Smith jordan 7
jones fredricka 21

Im not sure if I need to do MATCH and INDEX or SUMPRODUCT or IF or a combination of these.
Thank you for any help,