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Lookup Values which meet two or more criteria and return multiple matches horizontally

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    Lookup Values which meet two or more criteria and return multiple matches horizontally

    Lookup values which meet two or more criteria and return multiple matches horizontally.xlsxLookup values which meet two or more criteria and return multiple matches horizontally.PNGHi everyone

    I have been reading your posts for a while and they have been very useful.

    I was wondering if any of you can assist me with the following problem.

    I would like to lookup for values (prices) in a table that meet two criteria (item name="Pen" & Delivery date<Today()) and retrieve all results horizontally. So far I have been able to identify two formulas that may help but I haven't been able to combine them and come with the solution yet.

    The formulas are:

    {=+IFERROR(INDEX($C$3:$C$12, SMALL(IF($A$3:$A$12="Pen",ROW($A$3:$A$12)-ROW($C$3)+1), COLUMN(A1))),"-")}
    Main Issue: Retrieves values which do not meet the criteria

    Main Issue: Retrieves only one of the values which meet the criteria

    Have you come across this problem before?

    Your help is greatly appreciated


    Jose Martinez

    Range to Lookup
    Item Delivery Date Purchase Price Meet Criteria
    Pen 05-Feb-2015 $5.20 No
    Eraser 01-Feb-2015 $5.30 No
    Paper 08-May-2015 $5.40 No
    Pen 15-Jan-2015 $5.50 Yes
    Paper clip 15-Jan-2015 $2.20 No
    Pen 01-Feb-2015 $4.30 Yes
    Eraser 05-Jan-2015 $2.10 No
    Paper 31-Dec-2014 $6.30 No
    Pen 30-Mar-2015 $3.20 No
    Paper clip 05-Mar-2015 $9.50 No

    Search Criteria
    Item Pen
    Delivery Date <Today() Today = 03-Feb-2015

    Values to return (Horizontally)
    Pen <Today() $5.50 $4.30
    (15/01/2015) (1/02/2015)
    Functions Used:

    Formula: {=+IFERROR(INDEX($C$3:$C$12, SMALL(IF($A$3:$A$12="Pen",ROW($A$3:$A$12)-ROW($C$3)+1), COLUMN(A1))),"-")}
    Results 5.2 5.5 4.3 3.2
    Criteria Meet No Yes Yes No
    Main Issue: Retrieves values which do not meet the criteria

    Formula: {=+IFERROR(INDEX($A$3:$C$12,MATCH(1,($A$3:$A$12="Pen")*($B$3:$B$12<TODAY()),0),3),"-")}
    Results 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
    Criteria Meet Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Main Issue: Retrieves only one of the values which meet the criteria
    Last edited by josetmg; 02-03-2015 at 12:57 AM.

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