Hello I have a worksheet where I am trying to populate data in cells based on criteria from cells in the same worksheet.
For example, in my attached worksheet I have 5 names in column B, 4 of them have an X next to the name in Column C. At the top of my worksheet I have 3 numbers which is where I want the names with the x to populate in column J. I want the cells to rank from highest name on the list listed first and then down.
Since I have 4 names, I only want the top 3 names listed since I have only 3 spots available. However, I also want the 4th named listed as #3 if any of the names above has a strikethrough it meaning that name is no longer available. I also want the names that contain an X to have a yellow background but only if they don't have a strikethrough there name. Last but not least I want the names on Sheet 2 to also have a yellow background if they have an X by their name but only if they don't have a strikethrough as well.
The final product should look like Sheet 3 I just don't have the knowledge to figure out how to provide a formula to make it do this on it's own.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!