Hi everyone,

I'm trying to set up a spreadsheet that will calculate the amount I will earn bi-monthly. I will be paid on the 1st and 16th day of each month. (Just because spreadsheets are fun and I like keeping track of things.)

At this stage I have:
Column A: numbers 1-365 (number of days into the contract)
Column B: dates of the 365 days (this starts from my contract start date)
Column C: the amount I expect to earn each day, based on a circular roster
Column D: =IF(OR(DAY(B2)=16,DAY(B2)=1),"Pay-day","") *This column returns "Pay-day" on the 1st and 16th of each month.
Column E: =IF(D2="Pay-day",MAX($E$2:E2)+1,E2) *This column numbers each pay-period.
Column F: =IF(D7="Pay-day",SUMIF(E:E,E7,C:C),"") *This is my expected pre-tax pay.

What I have here already does what I want it to, but I would like to know if it's possible to do this without Column E. Is there a fancy formula that I could use to sum the daily pay amount between the "Pay-day" entries in Column D?

Thanks in advance!