I need some help with a formula i cant seem to figure out to save my life.
I have a spreadsheet that we use at our church to track attendees. Starting in column A row 4 i have a named range called AttendeeID. And in column B row 4 i have a named range called AttendeeName.
The AttendeeID's range from d-0001, t-0001, N-0001, etc, depending on how that person has been classified.
What I am looking for is a way to create a validation dropdown list that will look through the AttandeeID's and fill the list with only those names where the AttendeeID = d-whatever. I want to place this dropdown in column C row 4.
The entire sheet is also a named range called AttendeeList if that helps any.
I have used =VLOOKUP("d-????",AttendeeList,30,FALSE) in an empty cell and it will only return the first name in the list and when i placed it in a validation list i get "The list source must be a delimited list, or a reference to a single row or column". I have also tried varios IF statements and i just cant seem to figure this one out.