Hi - I have a table with two columns and one row header. I need to switch this so that one of the columns becomes the row header. An example is below:

This is my current table:
Apr-14 May-14
John Sales 300 350
Profit 20 25
Paul Sales 200 240
Profit 40 45
George Sales 350 380
Profit 25 35
Ringo Sales 100 120
Profit 10 15

I need to rearrange so that my 'measures' are the row headings:

Sales Profit
John Apr-14 300 20
May-14 350 25
Paul Apr-14 200 40
May-14 240 45
George Apr-14 350 25
May-14 380 35
Ringo Apr-14 100 10
May-14 120 15

My actual table is quite large so I need to find an efficient way of rearranging - any help would be very gratefully received - thank you