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Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

  1. #1
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    Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    Good Day

    We'd like to modify a function to improve efficiency of the workbook attached

    Modify array function in B for ROW link such that the Vlookup in D & E is not necessary & therefore can delete columns A & B

    current IFERROR(INDEX($I$1:$I$11161,LARGE(IF($H$1:$H$11161>=LARGE($H$1:$H$11161,1),ROW($H$1:$H$11161),""),ROW(A1))),"")
    wanted IFERROR(INDEX($I$1:$I$11161,LARGE(IF($H$1:$H$11161>=LARGE($H$1:$H$11161,LINK(F4)),ROW($H$1:$H$11161),""),ROW(Value or calculation from cells F1-F4)))),"")

    Current solution: Vlookup F in column A & report D & E
    Column E= end
    D = start
    C = difference between start & finish

    Thanks very much for your help, all comments appreciated

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert XOR LX's Avatar
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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference


    Not sure I understand. The current formulas in column B do not reference anything in columns D and E.

    Click * below if this answer helped

    Advanced Excel Techniques: http://excelxor.com/

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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    Hi Xor,

    The ROW reference in the B formula that starts in B1 with .....ROW(A1) next is B2... ROW(A2) etc down to ....ROW(A43). 43 is the reference to the total in F4.

    Columns D&E basically Looksup the number of ROW(A) in the formula B that is equal to the value given in column F.

    43 = ROW(A43) start of the minimum value that is the function in B43
    1 = ROW(A1) largest number begins that is the function result of B1
    19 = ROW(A19)last of the largest that is the function result of B19 that is given in E1 by looking up F1 = 19

    Columns D & E are linked to B to find the reference ROW.

    Do you understand now?


  4. #4
    Forum Expert XOR LX's Avatar
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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    Apologies, but no - I don't understand.

    Perhaps this is a case where, instead of attempting to explain how you would like your existing formulas to be modified, you actually gave details of precisely what you are trying to achieve. It may be that a solution which is completely different to your current set-up is available.

    Either way, it's often easier to derive one's own solutions than to untangle those of someone else.


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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    XOR LX,

    Sorry you don't understand, I try my best to keep it simple but its not easy for me.
    We really tried to be precise with the "Requirement", see below and on workbook and with the best so far ideas = a macro to replace ROW(A1)in the function with contents of cell F.
    We don't mind a completely different function but of course we adhere to the forum rules the best we can in how we go about it.

    Requirement: the start and end values in column I index of the three variable values in G1 G2 & G3 by position via column H, large & small
    G1 = Maximum
    G2 = Minimum other than 0
    G3 = independent value between G1 & G2 that is not 0
    Column H length can vary H1:H60000, generally ascending or 0 (from an IF origin)
    The total count of values other than 0 see in F4 can also vary

    Thanks again for your comments

    Kind Regards


  6. #6
    Forum Expert XOR LX's Avatar
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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    Quote Originally Posted by paulmacro View Post
    Requirement: the start and end values in column I index of the three variable values in G1 G2 & G3 by position via column H, large & small
    G1 = Maximum
    G2 = Minimum other than 0
    G3 = independent value between G1 & G2 that is not 0
    Column H length can vary H1:H60000, generally ascending or 0 (from an IF origin)
    The total count of values other than 0 see in F4 can also vary
    I'm very sorry but that appears to be precisely the same text as that entered in the workbook, which I've already read several times and, unfortunately, still can't understand.

    Hopefully someone else who can work out your requirements will pick up on this thread shortly.


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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    Okay np, I'll get by with how it is now using Vlookup. It boils down to a simple formula =ROW(), I wanted to put a cell reference (a value inside a cell not the row number of the cell reference) between the brackets but it always returns the ROW number of the cell regardless what the cell contains EG =ROW(F4) will give a value of 4 regardless of what is in the cell, the same as if you go =ROWF4. I couldn't get Concat to work either IE =Row(Concatenate..)

    Thankfully, half of the solution is possible as this $F$4 is okay in the Kth part
    IFERROR(INDEX($I$1:$I$11161,LARGE(IF($H$1:$H$11161>=LARGE($H$1:$H$11161,$F$4), ROW($H$1:$H$11161),""),ROW(A43))),"")


  8. #8
    Forum Expert XOR LX's Avatar
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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    But why do you need to use the ROW function at all?

    What results do you want to reproduce?


  9. #9
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    Re: Modify an IFERROR INDEX array function to LINK a cell to ROW reference

    ok now solved with

    IFERROR(INDEX($I$1:$I$11161,LARGE(IF($H$1:$H$11161>=LARGE($H$1:$H$11161,$F$4), ROW($H$1:$H$11161),""),ROW(A1)+$F$4-1)),"")

    Thanks, your comments helped me, went over it again

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