Okay np, I'll get by with how it is now using Vlookup. It boils down to a simple formula =ROW(), I wanted to put a cell reference (a value inside a cell not the row number of the cell reference) between the brackets but it always returns the ROW number of the cell regardless what the cell contains EG =ROW(F4) will give a value of 4 regardless of what is in the cell, the same as if you go =ROWF4. I couldn't get Concat to work either IE =Row(Concatenate..)
Thankfully, half of the solution is possible as this $F$4 is okay in the Kth part
IFERROR(INDEX($I$1:$I$11161,LARGE(IF($H$1:$H$11161>=LARGE($H$1:$H$11161,$F$4), ROW($H$1:$H$11161),""),ROW(A43))),"")