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Can you find the quartile of an array based on a condition and using only visible cells??

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  1. #1
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    Can you find the quartile of an array based on a condition and using only visible cells??


    I am operating with a large data set and am looking to carry out descriptive statistics on this. I want to use the quartile function to get the 25%, 50% and 75% of one column of data, conditional on the row meeting criteria in another column of data. However, I want this to apply to only visible cells.

    Eg. In the table below I want to find the median of damages if reports = 1, but these cells are already filtered so to only include a certain injury type. Any ideas??? I know you can find the sum and the count using sumproduct and subtotal so is there an adaptation of this that can be used?

    A B C
    Injury Damages Reports
    1 Migraine £10 1
    5 Migraine £20 2
    9 Migraine £30 1
    11 Migraine £40 3
    12 Migraine £50 3
    13 Migraine £60 2

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Can you find the quartile of an array based on a condition and using only visible cell

    Yes. Yes you can

    =QUARTILE(IF( SUBTOTAL(3, OFFSET('Raw Data'!$DY$5:$DY$65530, ROW('Raw Data'!$DY$5:$DY$65530)- ROW('Raw Data'!$DY$5),,1)), IF('Raw Data'!$DY$5:$DY$65530>=3, 'Raw Data'!$Q$5:$Q$65530)),2) + CTRL SHIFT ENT

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