Dear All,
i have been trying with these to file to lookup data but i always get the #N/A error !
i will attach both files , please help me them Copy of Airfreight Analysis (4).xlsxDHL - Duty.xlsx
please help me as this is crucial to me
Dear All,
i have been trying with these to file to lookup data but i always get the #N/A error !
i will attach both files , please help me them Copy of Airfreight Analysis (4).xlsxDHL - Duty.xlsx
please help me as this is crucial to me
There is no error in examples.
Never use Merged Cells in Excel
Agreed. The only formulas I see are a few =SUM() in the 2nd file...1st file contains no data, just a template?
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Please let's know what exactly you are trying to look up (because the templates you attached have no formulas in them) or attach what you have done so far that was giving you the error message.
Apologies as my explanation was not that good ..
i am trying to look up the the values from " Duty " file to " Air Freight " , when i do so , i get the NA error , i tried to Trim , Clean ,as well as changing the format but nothing works ..
can please advise ?
If you were using a formula like this one:
=INDEX('[DHL - Duty.xlsx]Jul'!A$1:A$4,MATCH(C4,'[DHL - Duty.xlsx]Jul'!C$1:C$4,0))
It will find the values for Australia, Dubai and the Netherlands, 'cos they ARE on the source sheet. the others return~n?a errors 'cos they're not there. To hide the #N/A error, change the formula to
IFERROR(INDEX('[DHL - Duty.xlsx]Jul'!A$1:A$4,MATCH(C4,'[DHL - Duty.xlsx]Jul'!C$1:C$4,0)),"")
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It would make more sense to attach files complete with the formula that you were using, and which is showing the #N/A errors.
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