
I have tried a lot to match with vlookup function 2 colum numbers to check if they are present in another excel
sheet where there is (or may not) the same couple of numbers. I tried to search everywhere in forum and web but
I cant solve this.


Excel sheet 1


150018392 1015897
150018397 1023274
150028375 1027756

Excel sheet 2


150018397 1023274
150018397 1016410

I would like to check if the numbers in Column A AND numbers in Column B are available in the same sequence in the
second sheet. In this example I want the vlookup (or somethnig else) tells me that the numer in column A and column B exists with same numbers in column A & B of the second file. in this example only the first line is true (in bold) cause are exactly the same pair of numbers in both column of each file. can anyone help me please ?

thank you
