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formula which tells me when something is due in days

  1. #1
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    formula which tells me when something is due in days

    Hi I'm not the best at formulas I know what I want but haven't a clue how to get it, tried looking at the help section and not sure if its a EDATE, IF or countif function I use.

    what I have is a column that tells me when a licence is due for renewal, the person has a 4 month window to renew the licence I would like a column that tells me in days and that counts down how long they have to renew and when it gets to a certain length of time it changes colour to prompt me to act on this, can anyone help!!!

    Hope I've explained what I want ok.


  2. #2
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    Re: formula which tells me when something is due in days

    Hi , Please attach your file,

  3. #3
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    Re: formula which tells me when something is due in days

    Can this forum actually help or is it a forum that you have to pay to get a response

  4. #4
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    Re: formula which tells me when something is due in days

    Thank you so much this is the sheet I'm working on
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  5. #5
    Forum Guru benishiryo's Avatar
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    Re: formula which tells me when something is due in days

    welcome to the forum, sally. assuming licence due date in A2, to get the date 4 months later would be:
    so if A2 is 29 Dec 2014, you would get 29 Apr 2015

    to count how many days is left to that day from today would be:
    you would then get 103 days if today is 16 Jan 2015.

    if you have a case where due date + 4 months is before today's date, and you want to show a text like "expired", then:

    for a certain length of time, say <30 days, try this:
    select the range you want to apply to (say from A2:B20)
    go to Home -> Conditional Formatting -> New Rule -> Use a formula to determine which cells to format -> Format values where this formula is true:
    format colour

    ps: havent seen your file while i was replying
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  6. #6
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    Re: formula which tells me when something is due in days

    wow thank you so much works brilliantly you are a star.

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