
I'm new here but do know a bit about Excel, an average user maybe. Have even taken some classes to get better.
But I have hit a dead end and need some help.

Me and a few colleagues felt that we needed to loose some weight after all the christmas and new years food so we put together a competition between us.
It will go on for several weeks and I wanted to make a diagram of everybody's weight loss, both in pure numbers but also in percent of start weight.

Let me show you what i mean.

weight (kilo) %
92 100
89 ?
88 ?
85 ?
81 ?

As you can see in the table above we have the weight input every week in the left column (A). These are the numbers i punch in every week after we done our weekly weigh-in.
In the right column (B) I want to show the weight loss in percent.
Since we are several people everyone have different starting weight but I need a formula that transforms, in this case, the first weigh-in (92) to 100%.
In the example above the next week this imaginary person weigh-in at 89. Now I need to put in a formula in the first field marked with ? (B3) and then keep on doing so in every field marked ?.
I want every field marked with ? to show the % weight loss from 100%, meaning it will always use the 100% start field, not the previous week.

I hope I make any sense to you helpers out there. If not, please tell me what you don't understand and I will try to explain it better.
Hope anyone can help me with this!

Kim Cefa