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Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

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  1. #1
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    Unhappy Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

    I need to calculate in sheet 2 based on criteria in sheet1. Each part of the sumifs formula works on its own as a sum formula but as soon as I try it as a sumifs formula it will not work. Please can you tell me what I am doing wrong.

    Formula in C12 of sheet 2: =SUMIFS(Sheet1!$F$4:$H$999,Country,Sheet2!A12,Certified_Type,Sheet2!B12,SaleDate,Sheet2!$O$1,Certificate_of_Origin,1)

    I have checked that the ranges are all equivalent size, and have added a formula to change the date from datetime to date only in column AA of sheet 1.
    columns AA,AB, AC & AD in sheet 1 also contain formulas so I am hoping that this will not be the problem
    Column AB formula is: =IF(OR(SUM(F4:H4)>0,SUM(O4:Q4)>0),1,"")

    Please see attached example workbook

    Thank you in advance
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  2. #2
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    Re: Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

    SOM.ALS(Country;A4;'G:\CRM Data\Unity\Phase 3\MANUAL UPLOAD CHECKING FILES\[export docs matrix check 1.xlsx]Sheet1'!F4:H999)

    Is this file open if you make the calculation?
    Notice my main language is not English.

    I appreciate it, if you reply on my solution.

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru Jonmo1's Avatar
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    Re: Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

    Quote Originally Posted by carrach View Post
    I have checked that the ranges are all equivalent size.
    But they're not....

    The SumRange (Sheet1!$F$4:$H$999) is 3 columns
    But each of the named ranges are only 1 column each.

    Why is the sum range covering 3 columns anyway? Change that to just

  4. #4
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    Re: Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

    Jommo1 - because I need it to sum all 3 columns as 1 total - is that not possible?
    Oeldere - sorry that is because my original file is called export docs matrix check 1 and it has copied across into the example sheet.

  5. #5
    Forum Guru Jonmo1's Avatar
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    Re: Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

    Quote Originally Posted by carrach View Post
    Jommo1 - because I need it to sum all 3 columns as 1 total - is that not possible?
    Not with SumifS - All ranges MUST be the same dimensions (both rows and columns)


    Note, this will error if there are any text values in F4:H999
    Last edited by Jonmo1; 01-08-2015 at 10:23 AM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

    That worked brilliantly. thank you so much. Hadn't realised that the sumrange had to be 1 column wide as well so thank you for that clarification

  7. #7
    Forum Guru Jonmo1's Avatar
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    Re: Sumifs formula giving #value even though each part individually works as a sum formula

    Glad to help, thanks for the feedback.

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