Hi, I'm seeking help with a database we are creating. I am becoming more familiar with excel and am thinking that what I would like to achieve is doable, however not sure where to start. I'm familiar with basic lookups, however not advanced ones. I'll try and explain what I want to do, just unsure if there is a formula or multiple formulas that would achieve what we desire.

- We have a master worksheet that all data entries will be entered,
- the first coloumn of each row will be assigned a category for example 200 or 400,
- is it possible to enter a forumla that says where column a = 200, enter all of the row data into "worksheet 200 series"?
- and have this formula applied to any additional rows that may be added at a later date so that it automatically pulls across in real time?

I hope this makes sense? Can anyone provide any guidance?
Thanking you in advance.