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conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

  1. #1
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    conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    Hey there people I have an issue that I have a problem with and I was wondering if anyone here could help.

    My wife has been handed the task of putting together a training matrix for all of the nurses on their team, the idea behind this matrix is that it would show each individual set of skills that a nurse possesses and to highlight specifically when those skills will need updating. My idea would be to insert a date that the training took place and that the cell would highlight Green while the training is current, I would also like the Cell to highlight Amber when the training is coming close to its due date and highlight Red when it has expired. I have tried several formula that I have found on the web such as =NOW()+30 and =TODAY()+30 etc and setting colours for the various gaps that I would like...

    I have three questions -

    Firstly am I using the correct formula's for what I wish to do, and if not can anyone suggest an alternative?
    Can the traffic light system work, as in can I set three different colours for for each cell that will change as a set date approaches?

    Any further advice on this would be splendid. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Re: conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    Try =(A1=TODAY() + 30)..... or which ever cell reference applies.....as your conditional format formula. Then in the Applies to: put $A$1:$A$30 ....... or whatever range applies. Use relative addressing for your reference cell in the above formula.
    Last edited by FlameRetired; 01-06-2015 at 09:31 PM.

  3. #3
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    Re: conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    Thank you for the reply. That formula does not seem to work unfortunately. The only that I can get to work is if I set a formula for today's date and actually set the formula to highlight today. Very strange this

  4. #4
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    Re: conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    Since I cannot see the specific conditions you want to apply I couldn't say. My attempt was to point out the relative addressing issues and syntax of conditional formatting by formula. Format manager seems to play by its own set of rules. My apologies if I confused you.

    Are you able to upload an Excel workbook (not a screen shot....many of us cannot see those) with desensitized data representative of what you are working with and examples of what you would like the results to be?

    To do so: In your reply click "Go Advanced", scroll down and you will find a button "Manage attachments"; click on that and you will be presented with a series of dialogue boxes where you can upload your file. When uploaded click "Done". Then click "Save" or "Post reply"....I forget which at the bottom of the Reply text window. Your file will be posted.
    Last edited by FlameRetired; 01-07-2015 at 12:17 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    Thank you. I have attached a copy of the book to this reply. I would like the Cells between B2 and M24 to show the colours of traffic lights dependent on the date that is entered. I have attempted to use the following formula...

    =AND(ISNUMBER($B2),$B2-TODAY()<1) to show the colour RED for any expired dates
    =AND(ISNUMBER($B2),$B2-TODAY()>7) to show the colour AMBER for any dates that are approaching expiry
    =AND(ISNUMBER($B2),$B2-TODAY()>30) to show the colour Green for any dates that are some way off expiry. I have tried numerous times to get this to work and all I seem to be able to achieve is all dates assume a single colour rather than the date they are supposed to based on the formula. If you can be of any assistance I would very much appreciate it.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
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    Re: conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    Examine this file. Not clear about the need for ISNUMBER function. Dates are numbers.

    Unless there is a chance that text will be in those cells there should be not need for it.

    If there is a chance that the dates might be entered as text I've applied a double

    unary "--" to the $B2's in the formulas. This device coerces dates entered as text

    into their underlying numeric values. If other than text representations of numbers

    are entered they will evaluate as 0 and format red. If that needs to be addressed let us know.

    I replaced the 7s with 8s and 1s with 2s. When I entered 1/1/2015 formerly (TODAY() is 1/8/2015)

    B2 remained green. Now it becomes yellow. Ditto on the 2s. If I interpreted correctly I

    believe this produces the desired results.

  7. #7
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    Re: conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    Many thanks. I Will check it on my laptop when I get home but what I wanted was for dates with more than 30 days to go to be green, less than 30 days to go to go amber and expired dates to go red.

  8. #8
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    Re: conditional formatting a due date with a traffic light system

    I got it backwards. My apologies. Done-over file attached:
    Last edited by FlameRetired; 01-08-2015 at 11:28 PM. Reason: re-do formulas

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