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Use combination of IF and Vlookup formula

  1. #1
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    Question Use combination of IF and Vlookup formula

    Hi friends,

    I am facing a problem combining the IF and Vlookup function.

    I have attached my excel sheet for reference.Book1.xlsx

    I have a set of codes of which some need to be replaced with the new ones using the lookup sheet and the rest (which are unavailable in lookup sheet) to remain same.

    I have added the "final result how it should be" column to show the values that I want in Code final column using the combination of formulas.

    Hope I was clear in my question.

    Kindly help

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Use combination of IF and Vlookup formula

    =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C3,'lookup sheet'!$B$3:$C$11,2,0),C3)

    Try this one
    English is not my native language sorry for errors
    Please correct me if I'm completely wrong

  3. #3
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    Re: Use combination of IF and Vlookup formula

    Works perfect, Thanks so much.

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