First thanks Chemistb for your reply.

That works great for inputting the results in the table for the people in the tracker. But the employee names are not constants I need them to be imported into the recieving table only if they are absent for any day for the specified week.
If I enter week 1 bill has no entries (he is in work all week) so he should not be in the recieving table (TRACKER) same for week 2.
if I enter week 2, Bill, Tom & Cath have no entries so they should not be in the tracker.
If I enter week 3 bill has an "off" day on Wed so his name should then enter the tracker but Tom, Sam & Sue have no entries so they should not.

Hope this makes sense.
I only want employees in the tracker if they are off during the week specified.
I think I may have to do this in two steps ?