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Automatic Currency Data and Time Generation

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    Automatic Currency Data and Time Generation

    Hello guys,

    I want to make a historical dataset of the latest currency rates values, in two columns.
    Occurrence Time and Rate.
    for example;
    I've connected to "MSN Money" service via the following path:
    Data > Existing Connections > "MSN MoneyCentral ..." service. as you can see in the uploaded file. It provides latest currency rates every refresh interval.
    I've set the values to be refreshed every 1 min.
    Now, I want two columns, one (Rate column) representing every 1min value of Euro/USD to be located below the last recorded one dynamically, and one (Date Column) to record the occurrence date/time next to rate column automatically, as soon as rate values are generated.

    It means if I leave it alone for one hour, I should expect to see a 60x2 table containing below sample information which are generated automatically:

    12/11/2014 12:00 1.2445
    12/11/2014 12:01 1.2446
    12/11/2014 12:02 1.2443
    12/11/2014 12:59 1.2440

    Any clue would be highly appreciated
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