I need this explained to me so that I can do it on my own. I have more than one table of information in which I need to have an equation that looks up a value and can return multiple options.For example, I have created an electronic library for my physical library and there are 25 tabs that list the section in which the books are in. Further, on each tab the books are organized by their location in the library, type of format, sub-section, city/county, state, title, author/publisher, year, # copies, and notes. This document is too difficult for me to add a query as I do not even know how to do a simple lookup. Another of my documents is only on one tab and categorized on that tab by year, month, book 1, author, book 2, author, book 3, author. I believe if I can master the art of the Lookup on this document then I can apply it to my document with multiple tabs.
When I used VLookup, (which in my understanding searches in the left most column and returns a value from whatever column number you choose) I struggled because my left most column is my Year, and I have a CD for each of the 12 months in the same year. I was looking to have it search by year and then by month and return the value of book 1, book 2, and book 3. I have attached a sample of the document. I want to be able to search in the yellow and have the value returned in the peach boxes to the right of the data. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to add more functions? How do I have it search by two categories and return three options?Help!!samplesoundview.xlsx