
I have sheet Estimacion 3, from there the range (A7:A19) gets populated according to cell G3.

In range (I7:I19) I use the following formula to pull data from different sheets within the same workbook:
=IF(OR(U7="",V7=""),"",INDIRECT("'" & U7 & "'!" & V7)) but since I can't seem to pull data from the range
mentioned previously (A7:A19) I have to past special with values into a different column (U7:V19) with the reference
cell that I want to pull the data from.

The question is can I use formula =IF(OR(U7="",V7=""),"",INDIRECT("'" & U7 & "'!" & V7)) to pull data
from range A7:A19 + the cell reference? so that I can avoid past special with values?

New ways of doing it are also welcomed.

Workbook: http://www.filedropper.com/estimacion3

Thanks in advance.