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Golf paring over multiple tournaments

  1. #1
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    Golf paring over multiple tournaments

    I have up to 50 golf players (known by name or number) and 12 tournaments during summer period. I want to randomly build golf flights (3 or 4 players), but want to make sure that none will play 2-3 times with the same team-mate during the remaining tournaments.
    I have tried multiple ways to start off, but don't have a clue how to solve this in Excel.
    Please help !!!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: Golf paring over multiple tournaments

    In column A, List the players.
    In column B, type =rand() and copy down
    In column C, type =RANK(B3,B$3:B$52)
    In column D, list the team nr, ie. D1 =1, D2=1, D3=1, D4=1, D5=2, D6=2, etc.

    Copy columns B:D accross until you have 12 tournaments.

    This is then a completely randomized selection.
    Alan עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Golf paring over multiple tournaments

    Hm, but with fully randomized assigning, one could easily end up with some players meet other more frequent than average (and may be more than acceptable 2-3 times), while some do not meet at all.

    one tiny issue - golf flights (3 or 4 players) - always x of 3players y of 4players or again - random division?
    Best Regards,


  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Golf paring over multiple tournaments

    As a matter of fact, I did some minor test and after several repetitions - there are always some players who during these 12 rounds play 4 or 5 times within one flight with the same player.

    See Attached test file - interesting part is table in AP2:CN52 with conditional formatting showing where such situations occur. and summary left to it - sometimes there are sitiutions when the same player is assigned even more frequently to the other sometimes 5 or even 6 times (half of tournaments!). On the other hand vast majority of pairs palyerA and Player B are in the same flight only once or they never meet on green.

    @provoersel2: have you chance to look at some macro solutions with more systematic than random assignment - for instance here: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-form...-schedule.html
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Golf paring over multiple tournaments

    Hm, third in a row. but ...
    I did some "checked on-line for quality" random assignment the above data layout.
    It is not quick, because it heavily depends on cells and formulas.
    But it takes into account prevoius assignments and tries to find a bood one for given tournament. See the code (to be copied into standard module Alt-F11 and then Alt_I, M);

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    I did several test runs (observe status bar for the progress information) and only once there were any 4-times with the same player situations. The rest are mostly 0,1,2 and some ca. 30 with 3-times.

    The quality shall be even beter if in
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    some higher critical counter value is used, but what is reasonable limit here depends on the computing power of machine used, and user patience :-P. 25 shall be few seconds, may be some half minute on slower processor.

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