I need to use an if statement to populate a field.
I have a term date in column I (starting in I2). I need a coverage end date in column J (starting in J2). I want it to return one of two dates based on the date in I.
If the date in column I is less than or equal to 11/03/2014, then I want the value in Column J to say 10/31/2014.
If the date in column I is between 11/4/2014 - 11/30/2014, then I want the value in Column J to say 11/30/2014.
I tried this formula: =IF(I2<="11/3/2014","10/31/2014",(IF(I2>="11/4/2014"and<="11/30/2014","11/30/2014")))
but it's wrong somewhere. I'm not very good at creating if statements inside of if statement, and I've never done a date range so really not sure what I'm doing, lol.
Help is appreciated!