I am no stranger to conditional formatting based upon cell values or basic formulas but I currently find myself at an impasse. Part of my job is tracking and scheduling maintenance on the 187 pieces of heavy equipment that we utilize. However, due to higher regulation I am governed by periodicities. I already have a spreadsheet with all of the required maintenance and when they are due but I want to format it so that I can prioritize at a glance. I have 3 date columns "Last Accomplished" "Minimum Range" and "Maximum Range." I'd like to do something kinda like this:
If today is less than the minimum range, highlight green so I know I don't have to plan for it for a while
Situation- A truck came in for annual maintenance on Nov 24, 2014, the same maintenance can be done no sooner than Jul 25, 2015 but no later than Mar 22, 2016.
If today is between the minimum range and maximum range, highlight yellow so that I know it's due soon and can plan accordingly
Situation- The truck has an annual that was last accomplished on Nov 7, 2013, the soonest the truck could be back in was Jul 8, 2014 but no later than Mar 6, 2015.
If today is greater than the maximum range, highlight red to show that the check is overdue and must be done immediately
Situation- The truck had its annual last on Aug 5, 2013, it was due no sooner than Apr 5, 2014 but went delinquent Dec 1, 2014.
I think I've got the Red and Green pretty well figured out but I can't seem to get the Yellow to work.