
Have been trying to find information on this forum regarding my "problem" but didn't have any luck. Maybe was searching for the wrong thing because im not sure of the correct name for my "problem". If anyone finds the related topic already exist on this forum just send me the link . Otherwise this is what i want to do.

I have a large excel document, with +10 different sheets which contain the exact same layout and number of cells (+1500 coloums, between koloum A-N).

I have created a sheet that I call the "gatherer" this sheets sorts out all relevant information I need. For example I use the "replace system" ctrl+B. This means I go in to my "gatherer" and press ctrl+b and then write the name of the sheet that is currently in use "example, sheet1" and replace this with for "example sheet2" then all the values that are connected in the "gatherer" for each cell will change depending on the sheet i wish to use (='sheet2'!XX), the XX is different in all cells numbering rom 1-1500 and A-N.

Can I make a dropdown list for my different sheets that will automaticly do the same thing as ctrl+b system as im currently using? My excel file is 10 MB so I can't upload it but that maybe shows why I am trying to simplify this...