Hi, I'm trying to create a formula using IF, AND, OR, however if VBA is required please advise.
So I have 4 date ranges as below;
01/07/10 - 30/06/11 - Year 1
01/07/11 - 30/06/12 - Year 2
01/07/12 - 30/06/13 - Year 3
01/07/13 - 30/06/14 - Year 4
If I enter in a Cell A1 '20/10/12' then Cell A2 will say "Year 3"..... and so on.
I had a guess at this, but no luck
=IF(AND(OR(H12>1/7/2009,H12<30/7/2010,"Year 1",OR(H12>1/7/2010,H12<30/7/2011,"Year 2",OR(H12>1/7/2011,H12<30/7/2012,"Year 3",OR(H12>1/7/2013,H12<30/7/2014,"Year 4"))))))
Appreciate any Help.
Alternatively If I don't have the end date, can the formula work by just using the Start Date as a triggers? So every time a date passes the threshold in moves to the next year. e.g. Year 1, Year 2.
Many Thanks