I am new to the complex excel formula's but I have found a formula that is working very well for me but when I paste in new data to my sheet I have to use the drag option to fill the command down the column. I wouldn't generally care but I am pasting generally 300-400 items every 3 days. Here is the formula (=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(D4,"-"," ",3),".",":"),16)*1). The D4 is the column to the left and E is the column that formula is actually in. It changes as you drag down (D5, D6, etc) and it converts date's in this format (2014/11/21 08:47 EST) to this (11/21/2014) so that excel reads it as a date and then can be sorted as such in column E. so every time I paste new data in it will have (2014/11/21 08:47 EST) in column D and I would like excel to auto use the formula, when the paste occurs,(=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(XX"-"," ",3),".",":"),16)*1) in column E. Any and all help is much appreciated. (example layout below)

2014/11/21 07:21 EST 11/21/2014
2014/11/21 07:21 EST 11/21/2014
2014/11/21 07:21 EST 11/21/2014
2014/11/22 12:27 EST 11/22/2014
