I am hoping someone can shed some light on what I am doing wrong within this formula. I am also trying to add aging 0-1day, 2-5 day, 6-10 day and over 10.
I am using this formula to count:
=COUNTIFS(general_report!O2:O281,"<=1",general_report!A1:A281,"=Incident", general_report!F1:F281,"=P1")
When I use this formula I receive an error #VALUE! however if I break it up I the results are correct meaning.
=COUNTIFS(general_report!O2:O281,"<=1",general_report!A1:A281,"=Incident") THIS WORKS
=COUNTIFS(general_report!F1:F281,"=P1") THIS WORKS
=COUNTIFS(general_report!O2:O281,"<=1",general_report!A1:A281,"=Incident", general_report!F1:F281,"=P1") THIS DOESN'T work. :/
On a side note I am trying to figure out how to report on age the "Day's Open" if anyone can give me any tips in this area I would be very, very happy.
Ruth S.