You are welcome Chippi and thanks for the reputation point.
Please don't forget to mark the thread as solved.
Start from here :
IF(LEFT(C2,1)="I","T","I") --> this will find the pair alphabet, so if "I" then yield "T", and if "T" then yield "I"
then :
IF(LEFT(C2,1)="I","T","I")&MID(C2,2,255) --> this will add remaining number or the pairs, I2 will be T2, T3 will be I3 etc
Now use array formula to find matched candidates :
For example, lets take row 3, the value of cell C3 is I1, so the previous formula will yield T1
To find the matched candidates :
this will return array with 12 items (12 = number of items in C2:C13) with value either True of False according whether it fullfills the two conditions.
First condition is check whether current cell = T1
Second condition is check whether difference time between current cell with any other cells in range B2:B13 is less than 10 seconds
Using multiply operation between first and second condition means both conditions must be True to yield True
The array operation is :
[?is? C2 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B2 - B3) < 10 seconds] = True
[?is? C3 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B3 - B3) < 10 seconds] = True
[?is? C4 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B4 - B3) < 10 seconds] = True
[?is? C5 = "T1" ] = True * [?is? ABS(B5 - B3) < 10 seconds] = True
[?is? C6 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B6 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
[?is? C7 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B7 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
[?is? C8 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B8 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
[?is? C9 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B9 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
[?is? C10 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B10 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
[?is? C11 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B11 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
[?is? C12 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B12 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
[?is? C13 = "T1" ] = False * [?is? ABS(B13 - B3) < 10 seconds] = False
which result is :
False (= False * True)
False (= False * True)
False (= False * True)
True (= True * True)
False (= False * False)
False (= False * False)
False (= False * False)
False (= False * False)
False (= False * False)
False (= False * False)
False (= False * False)
False (= False * False)
Now using if() formula to change the member who has true value into row number where this array's member located ("False" members are not changed) :
IF(the_array_above, ROW(C$2:C$13))
will yield :
5 --> because the condition is true, the row number C5 which is 5 returned
Then we get the first item from the array using :
which will yield 5
And then we get the cell B5, using :
The different time between B3 and B5 is :
B3-INDEX(B:B, 5)
And to prevent error value showed up, we use :
If you don't understand it yet, please don't be upset, array formula is hard to learn, you can googling and start learning from simpler examples and advancing to master it.