I want to extract all the values from a range of cells (multiple columns and rows) in a table that meet a certain criteria (length) and list them in a single column in a different table. I started using an INDEX SMALL IF ROW function which I have used previously for other things, but it didn't work because there is not a specific column that I want to look up - it is a whole range.


Data Set


AAAAAAA Short 1 Long 1 Short 2 Long 2 Short 3 Long 3
BBBBBBB Short 4 Long 5 Short 5 Short 6 Long 6 Short 7 Long 7
CCCCCCC Long 8 Short 8 Short 9 Long 9 Short 10 Long 10
DDDDDD Short 11 Long 11 Short 12 Short 13 Long 12 Short 14 Long 13

I want to return a list like this, based on the length of the text in the range:

Long 1
Long 2
Long 3
Long 4
Long 5
Long 6
Long 7
Long 8
Long 9
Long 10
Long 11
Long 12
Long 13

Any ideas? All help very much appreciated!