I have inherited a spreadsheet and need to add some data fields to it and am not familiar with how they set it up. The particulars are below:
Data Entry cells
Cell J4 is an entry field where they will enter text data
Cell M4 is an entry field where they will enter number data
Existing Formula cells
Z4: =IF($J4="Open",$M4,0)
AC4: =IF(ISERR(SEARCH("LAND",J4,1))=TRUE,IF(J4<>"Open",M4,0),0)
Explanation of above:
If they enter "Open" in J4, the value in M4 will display in Z4.
If they enter "Land" in J4, the value in M4 will display in AA4
Any other value in J4, the value in M4 will display in AC4
Inserted cells which are now AB and AD
AB: If "HBP-Land" is in J4, the value in M4 will display in AB4
AD: If any other value containing "HBP" is in J4, the value of M4 will display in AD4
I have tried a ton of variables but cant get it to work. Help on this would be GREATLY appreciated!!