Hi all
I've been struggling with how to structure this formula for a while now and cannot quite figure it out and get it working correctly.
I have a 'Start Date' field - M6
I have a 'Initial Finish Date' field - O6
I have 'Current Planned Finish' - P6 and
I have 'Forecast Finish' - Q6
Column R is the Duration of each Project. In Cell R6, I would like to return the number of months between the Start Date (M6) and the Forecast Finish (Q6), but...
If Q6 is blank, return the number of months between the Start Date (M6) and the Current Planned Finish (P6) and..
If P6 is blank, return the number of months between the Start Date (M6) and the Initial Finish Date (O6)...
The formula I'm using to work out the duration between whichever dates is...
=(YEAR(EndDate)-YEAR(StartDate))*12+MONTH(EndDate)-MONTH(StartDate)+1 (I've used the +1 because all the start dates tend to be the 1st of the month and all the end dates tend to be the end of the month, so without it 01/01/14 to 31/01/14 would pull back a value of zero).
Really appreciate anyone's help.