I am analysing scientific data which uses a 360 day calendar (12 months each with 30 days).
The reference date is 1st December 1950.

The data has a column of integer values, where the integer = number of days since 1950 Dec 1st in the 360 day calendar.

1 = 2nd Dec 1950
10 = 11th Dec 1950
30 = 1st Jan 1951
60= 1st Feb 1951
89 = 30th Feb 1951 (allowed date in 360 day calendar)

What I would love is a formula that takes my integer value and spits out DD/MM/YYYY in another column
I tried the following, where cell I1 = 1950/12/1 and G3 = my integer days since number

=MOD(( G3 +360*YEAR($I$1)+30*MONTH($I$1)+DAY($I$1)), 30)&"/"&QUOTIENT(MOD((G3 +360*YEAR($I$1)+30*MONTH($I$1)+DAY($I$1)), 360),30)&"/"&QUOTIENT((G3 +360*YEAR($I$1)+30*MONTH($I$1)+DAY($I$1)),360)

However the problem is that I end up with day ranges of 0-29 (instead of 1-30), months 0-11 (instead of 1-12) and the year resets each 1st December (instead of 1st January)

Can anyone help?

Thank you