I'm new to excel, so if this is not a formula question, then I apologize. I'm not sure what the proper wording is for what I need. I'm building a spreadsheet that will import data into a website. One of the columns will hold shortcodes for woocommerce. An example of a cell in that column looks like this
[products skus="liberty, june, abbadabbado" orderby="name" order="desc"]
The only thing in the above that will change in each row is liberty, june, abbadabbado. Is there a way to make the
[products skus=" " orderby="name" order="desc"]
permanent and only show when I type the info in the cell? So if the next cell in that column was
abby, firstfrost, neptune
all I would have to do is type in those three words and it would be wrapped in
[products skus="abby, firstfrost, neptune" orderby="name" order="desc"]
and if nothing was in that cell it would remain blank?